Friday, April 11, 2014

Renungan (Pentingnya Berbuat Baik Kepada Sesama)

Ketika aku melihat bayi atau anak kecil, memoriku flash back ke masa lalu. Bahwa ternyata aku dulu juga sama seperti mereka. Pernah menjadi bayi kecil, mungil, menggemaskan atau bahkan nakal dan membuat orang tua kesal.

Apa lagi ketika bulan Agustus menyapaku. Bulan dimana pertama kali aku menyapa dunia baru, setelah aku nyaman di rahim ibu.

Tahukah saudaraku, lahirnya kita kedunia adalah bagian rencana Tuhan untuk selalu membawa kebaikan-kebaikan dalam setiap detik, proses demi proses langkah demi langkah dalam sejarah perjuangan dan pengalaman hidup kita di dunia.

Kita adalah pemimpin di dunia, minimal pemimpin bagi diri kita sendiri yang nantinya akan dimintain pertanggung jawaban atas kepemimpinan kita.

Sejatinya hidup adalah proses membuat sejarah hidup. Proses sejarah yang kita tuliskan dalam buku hidup kita lembar demi lembar, halaman demi halaman. Cover depan buku hidup kita adalah ketika kita dilahirkan kedunia dan cover belakang buku itu adalah disaat kita dipanggil oleh Tuhan nantinya.

Layaknya sebuah buku, tugas kita adalah menuliskan pengalaman dan perjalanan hidup kita di dunia. Semakin banyak dan tebal buku itu maka semakin panjang usia kita dan sebaliknya karena pada dasarnya buku yang Tuhan kasih adalah berdasarkan usia yang Allah takdirkan kepada kita.

Lalu, apa yg harus kita lakukan agar buku kehidupan kita penuh dg pengalaman baik kepada sesama, selalu ingat dzat yang Maha segalanya?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Share & Care

“Life needs money, but life not only for money”

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s see my video. 

My beloved brothers and sisters.
That videos tell about my experiences for one year when I joined in Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar. I lived in the Sekodi village, Bengkalis Island – a village without electricity and mobile signals.
Anak-anak berangkat ke sekolah saat air pasang

The condition was extremely different with enough facilities that I can get before during as HR Assistant for a multinational company in Jakarta. If you are wandering why I choose to leave my comfortable zone and become a teacher, don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. So, I’m here to share with you why I choose to do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have experience when you’re asking someone for help and he answer with "Wani Piro?" Yap, now days, it’s common to find a person whore really money-minded. He will always measure something with amount of money. For example; Politicians want to be the leader not to dedicate to his country, but for their own-interests. An Employee uses a bad way to get a good position (and better salary). 

Today, people become so selfish. If we look around, many people only focus with their own life: how to get much money. And in the same time, they become careless with their environments. 

I got quote, “The most successful people among us are those who can give a positive impact to others.” And, as we know, Indonesia is identical with solidarity culture. Now, let’s we ask our self! Have we done something for the others? Have we helped our friends who need some support? 

We miss the time when everyone care and share each other. As you saw in my video, in the village I met people who are kind, friendly and helpful. I met a new host family, which I never met before, but their kindness and openness to accept me as their family member really touched my heart and show me how to be a real Indonesian people. Their kindness proves that and this is Indonesia. Indonesia which has humanity and solidarity culture.

Bersama keluarga Angkat

In another time, I asked my students. Does anyone have guava here? I want to eat guava. An hour later, one of them came to me and brought me a lot of guava. Once I gave him money, he refused it. “It is free Sir.” He really had such a kind heart! Hadn’t he? 

From what I have experiences, now I dare to say it will be better for our life if we restore our humanity as well as our solidarity. We help other is not because of money, but because we want to help. If we don’t have money, it’s doesn’t mean we can’t help the others. 

If you are students, you can help your friends who have a problem with school subject for example. If you are doctor, you can help other by helping people who sick. Or let say, you have a lot of money; you can help the others by giving donation. And there are so many other ways of course. 

And for me, became a teacher in remote area was one of my way to care others. I’m really grateful because I was always surrounded by people who really care about education. I can stand here also because of their kindness. That is why, I always tell myself, I should be able to imitate them. I have to be useful person in my life. 

Bersama Anak-Anak setelah menjelajah pantai Sekodi

That’s my way, how about you?